Student FAQ

How will my ratings be used?
Your professor may use an average rating to allocate peer evaluations marks. Your evaluations will also be shared with the individual team members for whom you gave evaluations. This, however, will be done anonymously.

Will my professor know how I rated my team members?
Yes. Your professor has access to how you evaluated each team member.

Will my team members know how I evaluated them?
No. They will only receive an average rating. In addition, any comments that you provided will be anonymous (i.e., your name will not be linked to it).

What if I do not fill out this form?
Peer assessment is integral to this course. Not filling out this form indicates that you do not wish to participate in the peer assessment exercise, and it may negatively affect your grade.

Can I change my rating later, or go back to the rating if my internet crashes?
Yes, you can resume or change a rating at any time during the rating period.

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